Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Price is Right

The Price is Right is a neat game to play in the car or while waiting in line with your children.  One player takes the role of the host and chooses a number and can either write it down or remember it.  Depending on the skill level of the children, a range is determined before the start of the game (for example, a child in first grade could use a range of numbers from 0-50).  As the contestants take turns guessing the number, the host responds and tells each contestant if the number is greater than or less than their guess.  The contestant who guesses the correct number first takes the role of the host.

2nd Grade Standard:
Demonstrate the relationship between numbers and quantities, including place value; one-to-one correspondence; rote counting; counting by twos, fives and tens; and comparing values of whole numbers up to 500.

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